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We know mental health matters

We use Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) strategies to inspire and teach children to use positive behavioural and thinking strategies to increase resilience and independence and improve social interactions.

SEL programs such as Kimochis, Resilience Portal, Respectful Relationships, and Smiling Mind teach children how to cope with their emotions, bounce back from problems, and develop positive relationships—all essential life skills.

We also:

  • provide a friendship seat for children who wish to engage with others but lack the skills to initiate contact
  • enlist the help of students to support peers through the Peer Mediation program
  • run a range of lunchtime clubs.

We consult and work with student support service officers, regional specialist personnel, and outreach services, to provide cognitive, behavioural and emotional prevention and intervention to all students at risk.

KidsMatter is an Australian mental health initiative for primary schools. We use KidsMatter to reinforce our culture of respectful relationships, sense of belonging, and inclusion.

We also boost confidence and connections when students are undergoing change, especially when they are moving to the next year level or starting prep. Our strategies include:

  • Transition to prep program for new students
  • buddy system (pairing Year 5 students with incoming prep students to help them settle into PHPS life)
  • transition days, to support children in moving to new learning neighbourhoods as they age
  • extensive support for Year 6 children moving to secondary school.