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Pigdon Sreet,North Carlton 3054,

Victoria, Australia   

Call us: +61 3 9389 5300

Email us: princes.hill.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au

Contacting School Leadership and the Office

To contact the school regarding all general matters, including contacting Esme, Richard, Dan, Amanda, Julie and Jacquee, please call the school office on 9389 5300 or email princes.hill.ps@education.vic.gov.au.

Contacting the Wellbeing Team

wellbeing@phps.vic.edu.au (Dan, Bronwyn, Yasmin, Mandy)

Contacting Teachers

To contact teachers regarding your child’s learning use one of the following emails:

Prep Teachers: prep@phps.vic.edu.au ( Connie, Robert)

Year 1 Teachers: year1@phps.vic.edu.au (Anna, Bethany, Chloe, Summer)

Years 2 Teachers: year2@phps.vic.edu.au (Larree, Lily, Lucy)

Years 3 & 4 Neighbourhood 1 Teachers: years34n1@phps.vic.edu.au (Mike, Sam)

Years 3 & 4 Neighbourhood 2 Teachers: years34n2@phps.vic.edu.au (Saskia, Warrick)

Years 5 & 6 Teachers: years56@phps.vic.edu.au (Jo, Matilda, Molly)

Specialist Teachers: specialists@phps.vic.edu.au (Toni, Alicia, Isabella, Hannah)
Deb, our musician in residence can also be contacted via specialists@phps.vic.edu.au

